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Old 18th February 2013, 08:06 PM   #14
Join Date: Dec 2004
Location: NC, U.S.A.
Posts: 2,138

Excellent catch on the hexagonal blade shape, Jim! I was also patiently waiting for the Master of the House to return ( ). This is your expertise, by far. The rounded tip of the blade had caught my attention, but I hadn't thought of the whole picture until you nailed it. 'Machinist' also deserves a tip of the hat. I currently have two Spanish swords with rounded tips. One is a classic bilbo type and the other, an espada with a hilt like #1 in your picture, Jim, but with a straight, double edged blade. I'm told that other European countries also, as you noted, used rounded tips on their broadswords. Colin, I am 100% with Jim on conservation. A mild cleaning is best on these type swords. Again, an excellent find!

P.S. Jim, what is the name of the volume by Adams? Is it an article from Man-at-Arms, or a book by him? I'd like to track it down. Thanks!
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