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Old 18th February 2013, 07:50 PM   #2
Jim McDougall
Arms Historian
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I would be inclined to put this apparant military sabre as likely Danish or perhaps Swedish, but without further look into resources hard to say. I will say the guard, though missing a section, resembles certain Danish cavalry officers swords of around 1730s, and this sharply angled knuckleguard followed in a number of European patterns well into the Napoleonic period.
While it is tempting to place this into the Spanish classification due to its being acquired in that apparant context, it does seem quite possible this could be something from Netherlands issue, as Spanish presence there was of course well established in the 18th century.
The hexagonal cross section and rounded tip does not uniquely distinguish Spanish swords, as many of these blades were in fact produced in Solingen or if such be the case, Solingen smiths in the Netherlands.
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