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Old 16th February 2013, 03:05 PM   #6
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Thank you for your replies!

Norman, yes it is precisely same model.

Originally Posted by Jim McDougall
wonder if its the same Brander of Brander & Potts in England early 19th and during Napoleonic campaigns. Looks like a trade quality postol.
Jim, yes I was thinking about the same. It would be just a guess, but it can be pistol that Brander made prior to join forces with Potts and becoming the famoys Brander&Potts? The signature seem more rude than the original factory signature by brander&pots, so it could be earlier or perhaps a period copied.The first model by B&P that I can find is the m1796 british dragoon light pistol. So I'm wondering, is it possible that the presented pistol dates back in 18th century? Is there any recorded history of Brander&Potts establishment and how they begin? Were they two different firms merging in B&P or it was established as B&P from the beginning?
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