Michael, Sorry for misunderstanding what you were saying.

As for the scabbard, if it was made from un-aged wood it could have shrunk so much that the blade no longer fits. It does however look like it is original to the sword. Like I said, this could very well be from Luzon it is just that I have never seen this grip (bird carving) on a Philippine item before but I have seen this style on items from Mexico as well as wavy blades. I am quite sure that there are numerous styles of Luzon swords, knives and daggers that I haven't seen yet and this could very well be one of them.
Detlef, There have been quite a few wavy bladed daggers listed on epray over the years that were clearly marked as being made in Mexico with horn hilts. I, like you have never seen a wavy bladed sword from Mexico yet but like Philippine items I am positive that I have never seen all the styles that have been made there over the years. Like I said earlier, this could very well be Philippine but just with more Mexican influence than I am used to seeing.