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Old 12th February 2013, 04:22 PM   #2
Join Date: Dec 2004
Location: NC, U.S.A.
Posts: 2,138

Very Nice piece! Definitely French, based on the squared eye, forward/rear facing langets, bearded blade, etc. Again, this is a variation of the hache de borde, I'm assuming private purchase (no govt markings?). Haft has been radically shortened, as was typical for these as they were used well past their prime (essentially, the first ship fire axes WERE old boarding axes). The spike on this one is hefty and down-curved, allowing for use as both a pick, prying tool and gives it the distinct ability to drag away fallen lines. I'd say this one is the real deal. Where do you find your items, my friend?!! I need to start shopping there-
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