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Old 11th February 2013, 04:20 AM   #9
A. G. Maisey
Join Date: May 2006
Posts: 6,965

Yuuzan, I've just done a few google searches using different combinations of naga:hanuman:vasuki:fight:connection:association --- &etc&etc&etc and in all results down to page 5 I can only find advertisements for oil, accountants, wood carvings and so on; I cannot find a single entry for any of these search term combinations from a legitimate Hindu site.

As to when the motif became popular, I have not the slightest idea. I think I've probably been seeing it since the 1970's. It is a very popular motif, but that does not mean that it has a legitimate religious or mythological foundation, it simply means that it is a motif that translates well into art work, and pleasing art work translates well into $$$$.

I'm not saying here that it does not have a religious or mythological foundation, I'm saying I do not know of one, and in spite of looking for such a relationship in my own resources, plus about 30 minutes with Dr. Google, I cannot find one.

When we try to interpret these things its a very good idea to start from a point that may give us some indication of whether or not we are looking at a continuation of tradition, or a creation influenced by non-traditional motives (that is motive with a 'v', not motif with an 'f'). Once we move into the era of Balinese tourism, probably roughly the mid-1930's we must be very careful with our interpretations.
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