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Old 10th February 2013, 12:17 AM   #18
Join Date: Apr 2005
Posts: 3,255

Hello Moshah,

Pardon my knowledge, but is there anything clearer than the thick spine, to differentiate a sewar and a badik?
IMHO the thick integral bolster is a prominent but not sufficient requirement for something being a sewar/sewaih.

Your blade does seem to be a genuine antique sewar. To be frank, the heavy pitting seems to be from excessive etching (and/or neglect). If it were not looking like a pretty much lost case, I would think about reworking/repolishing/staining the blade. I don't think this is feasible with this piece though.

The fittings (including the hilt) look newly crafted to me and may well be Malay "repair" attempts.

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