I guess that the 2 holes in the rear side was a plume holder.
The holes at the back on either side of the comb are for a plume holder, the holes I was referencing are the hole to either side of the helmet in case I caused some confussion in my previous post.
F129 a similar helmet said to be a "German barred Burgonet "
You know thats a good point. I had forgotten that somewhat rare type of helmet and it certainly shouldn't be ruled out although the type is a definite 17th century form and I suspect and earlier date for this piece.
Do you thing that it could be a 16 th century construction ?
The method of constructing this particular helmet had been almost completely eclipsed in favor of the quicker to make " crimped comb " method by the early years of the 17th century due to the need to make larger and larger quantities of gear for the ever growing protonational armies of a Europe in the grips of the Wars of Religion. I would say that the method of construction puts this pretty definitely in second half of the 16th century. Another tell is the roped borders, another element that disappeared rapidly in the 17th century as the every growing demands of bigger armies mandated quicker simpler manufacture ( roped borders was purely decorative and therfore not necessary to function at all and quickly went by the wayside in the 17th century ).