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Old 9th February 2013, 12:32 AM   #7
kahnjar1's Avatar
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Originally Posted by David
I'm a little confused by your request Stu. These thread seem to be discussing completely different swords. Further they seem to be different types of swords from the same area (battle, dance, curved, straight, etc.) Are you suggesting that we have but one thread going per sword type or origin at a time?
Hi David,
No absolutely not. ALL of these swords appear in the first (I think) thread on the subject, which was Kattara for Comment. Discussion was then broadend to other threads which discussed much the same thing. If each sword had remained in a thread of its own then I do not see a problem, as comparison between types could still be made with reference to the other relevent threads. If you look at Swedegreen's thread about the long hilted Yemeni?? swords, and the specific questions asked there, you will see that this has expanded to include discussion, once again, of the Omani Battle sword. I certainly accept that there could be a connection here, but the subject of the thread was the long hilted swords.
Now we have two more threads introduced, discussing the same (or similar) items.
All I was saying was that to follow the discussion on ONE type has become very confusing (at least for me) as one has to jump from thread to thread to get the whole story.
Not a complaint....just an observation.
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