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Old 6th February 2013, 09:06 AM   #14
Join Date: Apr 2005
Posts: 3,255

Hello Moshah,

The characteristic of the besi was also akin to some Malay kerises that I have, made me so inclined to say it's a Malay badik. But from my understanding, Malay badiks usually will have a "mar" or "temin" - a round base before the tang <snip>
I'd be inclined to place those pieces with integral bolster into the large sewar/sewaih family (including tumbok lada, karih, etc.). This family of blades seems to have Sumatran/Straits roots rather than the badik probably originating from S Sulawesi.

As you know, not that long ago, people used to freely move back and forth between Sumatra and W Malaysia.

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