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Old 4th February 2013, 12:34 PM   #3
T. Koch
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Posts: 189

Hi Joe!

I can't help you with your question, sorry, but I simply have to express my adoration for the beautiful enamel work! I think I've read that it's supposed to represent shoots of bamboo, but I can't remember where right now. Is that true?

Why it it only on some of the swords - do you know? Does it signify status or is it simply decoration and a matter of the size of the owner's wallet, so to speak?

I love sikin's! Well actually I find the straight panjang a little boring, but the curved peudeung so get's me buzzing. -With a big, carved [i]hulu pesangang{/i] and an ivory throat on the scabbard - YES PLEASE!!

Can we see the rest of the sword, pretty please?

/Cheers, - Thor
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