Originally Posted by A.alnakkas
Its really difficult to define how old are Yemeni/Omani items are. There is lots of restoration and reuse. The blade on Lew's is of good quality compared to yours (which you correctly point out to be newer then the age you suggest for Lew's) Though in general the older blades are of better quality and comes forged with thicker central ridge. Hindawan and older Gusbi blades are still desirable and get refurbished often.
Salaams A.alnakkas Yes I don't disagree with any of that, however, I use the pivottal date of 1948 as the likely time after which the project item was made. Lew has a better belt i.e. with the floral decorations etc and the blade is highly polished ... mine isnt

I think it reasonable to guage this dagger in a group of weapons attributed to Yemeni craftsmen post 48. For lookers-on your reference is perfectly correct about age on these items as it should be noted that many parts are swapped and changed and that can be very confusing. Forum recently noted how rhino hilted swords were being dismantled to refit Jambias with those hilts. Swapping weapon parts is very common.
As an afternote I would add that a close inspection of the silver furniture will no doubt discover if it has any makers stamps... which would undo my guestimate and no doubt delight the new owner. On magnification I note that the pattern and style on the buckle and main body of the item are perhaps similar so we could all get a surprise...
Ibrahiim al Balooshi.