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Old 16th January 2013, 03:51 PM   #22
Montino Bourbon
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Location: Santa Barbara, California
Posts: 301
Default I'm in Jaipur right now.

Have been for over three weeks already. I'm an Indian musician, so I'm having a lot of fun playing music. However there are some interesting things for sale as well. I've seen some lovely court daggers with ivory handles for sale. prices are high, and I don't really enjoy a lot of bling; I much prefer a really excellent blade and a functional dagger. When I was here last January, and I expressed interest in a dagger in the city palace collection, but had to note that it had some rust starting, I was taken to the back room where I saw some unbelievable pieces. I was handed an extremely large sword, a tegha, and had the presence of mind to look down and find the kind of cotton gloves that I have been taught to put on when handling such things. I was then shown some katars that were absolutely unbelievable. The metal inlay was easily as good as really excellent Japanese metal inlay. The details were small enough that I had to use a loupe to make out some of the animals. That's the part of the exhibition that you don't see. I certainly hope that a photo catalog is coming out soon.
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