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Old 15th January 2013, 04:27 PM   #14
Jens Nordlunde
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Hi Emanuel,

Thank you for showing these pictures, they are very interesting, and show a very big range, when it comes to shapes and quality – but that is how it is, and how it should be.

The big diversity in quality shows us, that weapons of almost all shapes and quality were used, but knowing, as we do, that every armoury had weapons from other parts of India, in a bigger or smaller number – looted or bought – we also know, that weapons found in any armoury/museum may come from quite another place than where they are now.

When I see one of the chiselled katars I always wonder how much it would cost, to have one made today in such a quality – likely the ransom of a king – maybe a smaller one, but still. At the same time I ask myself what the price would have been then, compared to their standard of living. I know that you can't compare this, but it is an interesting experiment of thought.

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