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Old 28th December 2012, 11:33 AM   #8
Join Date: Nov 2011
Posts: 11
Default Queen Anne style boxlocks

Thank you Fernando and Dala for your kind comments.

I would agree that boxlock actions were incorporated into Queen Anne style pistols from the mid 1700s the pivotal
emphasis being very much on the word style.

The later boxlocks can only ever be considered stylistically similar to the earlier very distinct form of pistol which
modern collectors have classified as Queen Anne. This distinction is reflected in the considerable differential between
prices realised for such pistols when compared to that of a later "in the style of" boxlock.

The boxlock whilst being both simple in design and compact did have certain limitations and was generally considered
for use on relatively inexpensive pistols, even when offered by the best makers.

Best regards,
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