Sweet! A very nice Queen Anne twist barrel small pocket pistol, ca 1780-1800. The so-called Queen Anne pistols became popular just after her reign, roughly 1710-1800. Styles of this pistol even managed to make it into the early 19th, as I've seen ones with percussion cap locks. There was a larger version that was popular among naval officers (See 'Weapons of the American Revolution' by Warren Moore, for similar). The smaller ones also had naval use, often being carried in captain's "great pockets" while they wnet ashore. Officers returning from abroad walking through tight alleys to the local tavern were occasionally set upon by thieves. They used a twist tool to remove the barrel end in order to load the ball and powder direct. Some are plain, while many possess inlaid silver wire decoration/patterns in thier grips. I have a smaller one like this with a longer cannon-barrel barrel, but lack the original crank tool to remove it.