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Old 23rd December 2012, 11:49 AM   #3
Jim McDougall
Arms Historian
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Hi Chris,
An extremely handsome example of what Gene has well described as a court sword. As he also notes, these indeed were not only for fashion , but could be most effective as a weapon as required.
The turned down guard shell is very much like mid 19th century and into the 20th century styles used as dress swords in civil service classifications and various diplomatic circumstances as you have observed.
The 'cut steel' approach in this design does seem to recall the English smallsword designs of Matthew Boulton and various associated makers of the end of the 18th century in style, but the sword itself much later.

The floral device is indeed mindful of the device often seen on some blades from Holland, but I recall seeing something similar, I think concerning Maximilian I of Bavaria, using this 'sunflower' on his sabres. I need to find those notes (it may have been in Wagner). Also, I have a court type sword from Austria with this turned down guard from c.1900, it seems like it was a funerary sword (listed some time ago as a 'corpse carriers' or pall bearer) and it was blackened iron.

Will check further, may be more in Dean (1929).

Most attractive court epee!!!

All the best,
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