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Old 19th December 2012, 04:22 PM   #2
Jim McDougall
Arms Historian
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Extremely interesting, and an attractive sword with impressive provenance.
As far as the sword itself, it is not a 'pattern' but traditionally styled court or dress type sword styled after the smallswords of the 18th century. This would have probably been fashioned for this man through special order either for presentation or perhaps by his family. The acid etch seems very much like Solingen type of late 19th and into the 20th, but certainly continued later.
Since it is a 'special order' this type may be found among Solingen catalog or order books, but more research into the detail in the relief on the sword elements would say more.

Very nice Christmas present! and would display well with the photo and historical data on this man. Swords with such distinguished provenance always display well regardless of condition or category .

All the best,
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