Thread: Square bullets
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Old 13th December 2012, 08:04 PM   #6
Jim McDougall
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Thanks Nando!
It truly is a great and esoteric topic, and always fun exploring the 'lore' of antique arms. It seems from what I've seen on the variations of round vs. square was that the square 'hurt more' so presumably creating a more painful wound? This is what I mean by 'lore' much of which is purely nonsense. A bullet is intended to be deadly, not concerned with pain etc.

There is a great deal of these sort of fables in the stuff about the gunfighters here in the 'wild west', but unfortunately none about bullet shape I can recall. Being as far from a firearm and ballistics person as can be, I am just amazed that a square bullet can traject with that much velocity...I thought the turn in the barrel was what did that.

all the best,
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