Afternoon Brian, handsome thing you have there! Happened to glance in and just thought I'd contribute re: the leather strap: while reading the late Richard Holmes' excellent Sahib, which (unsurprisingly) is all about the British Raj and its armies. He notes that, during the Mutiny, several British officers and soldiers observed the Indians using straps, or ribbons, to hold their swords in the scabbard, presumably because the scabbard was kept loose. They apparently weren't impressed by the British habit of having tight, metal scabbards that blunted their swords thanks to repeated drawing and sheathing.
He also quotes one bloke who felled an Indian, and remarked that he had opportunity to only because the Indian, a little distracted in the heat of battle, had forgotten about this small strap, and couldn't extract his tulwar from its scabbard, however hard he yanked. Fortunately for the author, he had no such encumbrances.