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Old 13th December 2012, 02:29 AM   #4
Jim McDougall
Arms Historian
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Hi Ariel,
I knew you already knew most of this stuff, especially on the Caucasian names, but I wanted to include overview for those out there reading.
It really would be interesting to learn some of the more colloquial terms used in local parlances in these various cultures for certain weapon forms and blades based on these kinds of associations.
The term 'Rodgers' used by the Arabs I had not heard of, but of course refers to the famed Sheffield maker. It seems funny that so many of the prevalent 'Bowie' knives here were made in Sheffield.
I do know that many of the German blades were referred to as 'Alamain' in India. It seems Elgood mentions blades termed 'mayyar' or to the effect of Magyar for the Hungarian imports.

Hopefully some of our readers in the countries noted might be aware of some terms used to describe these 'sickle' marked blades.
Really is a great topic!!!

Best regards,
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