Originally Posted by Iliad
Thanks Atlantia, for the reply. Could the tweezers be used for extracting a musket ball from a wound?
Hi Brian
They could probobly fix a monobrow or help to shape a fabulous moustache!
Seriously though, a set of tweezers is a very useful little tool.
The fact that they lock might be a clue? (if they are not for personal grooming that is)

Presumably they have mis-shapen with time and when originally made the sliding lock could be moved down to 'lock' them shut, which would have possibly made them usable as a medical clamp?
I could be mistaken but they don't look like they'd be the right shape to insert into a bullet hole to grab a musket-ball, but they would possibly work to temporarily clamp off an artery or some other internal tubing if you'd been sliced open?
P.S. is that embroidered 'symbol' on the scabbard a word of character?
Might be a clue there?