Thread: sword for id
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Old 11th December 2012, 10:46 PM   #10
Jim McDougall
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While awaiting words from the silent experts, I would just add that I am inclined to see this as most likely an Austrian sabre not for cavalry but infantry or other units officers. The absence of knuckleguard seems to disagree with most cavalry sabres of Austria, Hungary and Poland of the 18th century which this seems. The hatchet point blade is indeed very much like the cavalry sabres of those times. The double head eagle and crown is strikingly similar to one seen on an Austrian heavy cavalry sword 1769-75 (Wagner, 1, plate 13).
The backstrap fluting and brass hilt seems corroborated by other sabres of these countries in these times and the quillon terminals resemble some on Hungarian sabres. I do not have my Eastern European sources with me, so hopefully the experts will chime in.
Nice sabre, these are always most desirable and with colorful history.
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