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Old 7th December 2012, 02:00 PM   #2
Martin Lubojacky
Join Date: May 2008
Location: Czech Republic
Posts: 841

Welcome figs999.

I personally consider this as a "belt dagger made by Tuaregs", and I am not sure this could be called Telek (like classical forearm dagger ?!?). I am of the opinion this is contemporary dagger,very often sold to tourists, which does not take from significance or relevance/importance of this dagger and this kind of daggers generally. I saw many such daggers in Sahara from Ghadames to Ghat (Azjer tuaregs ??) - just because I did not visit other parts of Sahara, so very probaly you could find this on another places, too, and some sources assign them to Niger, Woodabe people etc.). This size is relatively common, too, but smaller size is more ordinary.
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