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Old 6th December 2012, 07:26 PM   #8
Jim McDougall
Arms Historian
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Originally Posted by asomotif
124 views, but no-one who has any info on age/origin/markings ?

I couldnt help but comment on this well placed note. The numbers of lurkers/notetakers/readers is phenomenal compared to those who will participate in these threads. Some threads with responses and posts in the low hundreds have surprassed the tens of thousands mark with views.
This reveals the fact that those of us who do participate here are at least contributing to the collective knowledge on the weapons we study. It also reveals that the majority of readers out there who do not participate are simply 'learning' but lack the confidence to enter comments or observations for fear of ridicule or such nonsense.

As I have emphasized many times, there are no 'experts', simply students in degree with often advanced experience, and we here are all just learning together. It is intended to be quid pro quo and typically, many of us do not know the subject at hand especially well, but research and gather data to be shared with the community here. I am glad to see our archived material being useful, but wish more would participate as it is seldom known what relevant or key information might result from any added notes and observations.

Having said that, I agree with Mark in the probable Spanish colonial assessment , and would note that in the 19th century in the Central American colonies there seems to have been a particular affinity for dirk type sidearms. The flared pommel resembles the espada ancha profile, the blade does seem cut down from one of the Spanish arming swords of mid to latter 18th century. The markings, obviously intended to be Solingen, do seem in disarray in placement, but seem to be well copied from the authentic markings on many Spanish rapier blades which did indeed come from Solingen. I would consider this to plausibly be one of those dirks from Spains colonies in coastal regions rather than inland regions of Mexico.

All the best,
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