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Old 3rd December 2012, 01:01 PM   #16
A. G. Maisey
Join Date: May 2006
Posts: 6,965

Jean, what I meant by an "offset" was this:- if we draw a line through the middle of the pesi at 90 degrees to a level surface and extend that line to the same length as the point, the distance from the line to the point is the offset.

When we make a blade this offset, or blade angle, is the first thing that is set before we start to actually shape the blade, we do this by marking out the pesi, then the bottom line of the blade then using a big matrix --- in Jawa floors are tiled, so we use the squares of the tiles --- we set the blade angle. That blade angle is dictated by the fashion for wrongkos. If we set a blade angle that is too upright, or too bent forward ( as this blade under discussion is) it results in a wrongko that is out of step with current fashion, and thus unacceptable for polite use.
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