Thread: Kaskara opinion
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Old 1st December 2012, 09:00 PM   #15
Jim McDougall
Arms Historian
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Thank you so much Iain! Your well supported responses to my comments are outstanding and truly place these thoughts in much better perspective.
We have really come a long way in better understanding these swords thanks to the tenacious research you have spent in comprehensively studying them.

All the best,

I trust this information has been helpful despite the deviation from 'medieval 'allusion. As we have noted, often times there is a great deal of deception in the antique arms business, and as Oakeshott often complained, many good kaskaras ended up misrepresented as crusader or medieval swords in earlier years.

As knowledge and understanding of these weapons has gratefully advanced, it becomes more difficult to perpetuate these kinds of facades, and in many cases the weapon retains its intrinsic value despite creative additions.
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