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Old 30th November 2012, 10:09 PM   #4
A. G. Maisey
Join Date: May 2006
Posts: 6,965

Good to to see you posting here again, Erik.

It explains the hilt, certainly, but it does not explain the blade.

In my opinion this blade is not of Malay manufacture.

The British in the colonial days were wont dub just about all SE Asians as "Malay", but this blade is not Indonesian either --- or as it was back then from the Dutch East Indies.

The blade angle, pawakan, the decline of the edges to the point, the gold work, none of these things look like a true keris. None of them. This weapon simply does not look like any keris I've ever seen. Yes, it has some keris-like features, but that's where it stops.

I rather feel that this blade might have been made in India to the order of a Britain, or European.
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