Originally Posted by Al Shamal
Salam Spiral, so do you think it's a tourist item? I thought it to be genuine. When I visited I couldn't find anything like this. Any ideas on its use?

No not a tourist item ,as in made for tourists, the Antique shops of Nepal ,{when I was there 8 or 9 years ago.] were at least half genuine antiques of many & varient types, of course the othe 50% were "modern Antiques" covered in stain & dirt & smoked for a year or two to look old.
I expect each year the antique have a higher "fresh" percentage. Still that the same of many dealers & auction houses....
Sadley I dont know what its for, The Antler is from a "Barking Deer" though, common in Nepal untill most were eaten.... I have several Kardas mounted with the same horn.