Originally Posted by David
I wouldn't mind hearing more thoughts on the cultural/status significance of the "toli-toli". I believe we had a brief discussion on these once before.
Hello David,
One distinguished forum member was kind enough to make a summarized translation of the topic in the book "Senjata Pusaka Bugis" as follows:
"The passsio sumange (or toli-toli) functions to bring together the "energy" of humanity and iron (in the sense of weaponry?) so that they can live together in harmony.
Apart from being an accessory, the passio sumange functions as a safeguard. In past times if you wanted to meet with the Raja the kris had to be tight in the scabbard and tightly tied with the passio sumange. This was done to ensure that the kris did not suddenly come out in front of the Raja. If that happened, the person with the kris would be immediately stabbed because it was considered that he intended to do something that was not good for the safety of the Raja.
Apart from that, according to Bissu Matowa Saidi, if considered from the mystic pont of view, the pasio sumange is also able to give a vibration to the wearer that something will happen to threaten him or his family."
Thanks to the contributor and regards.