43, pretending to be 40- something for the next 6 years
My father (79 now) had a javanese golok which he traded as a young boy for a defective wristwatch. It was always laying next to his tool box.
It was an intrigueing object. as a small boy (approx 10) I thought it to be a knights sword, but playing with it was off-limits.
At the age of 15, after watching the television series "Shogun", I wanted a replica katana, (made in spain) and with my parents consent I bought it for NLG 230, which is appox Eur 105,- nowadays.
I wish I had bouhgt a 17th cent. katana like Norman did

, as I still have the bloody replica katana as a token of bad taste and quality
Best regards,
Ps. remember Anjin San / Richard Chamberlain.