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Old 13th November 2012, 11:39 AM   #2
A. G. Maisey
Join Date: May 2006
Posts: 6,964

Jean, I have not seen this book, but I do correspond spasmodically with a gentleman who contributed to it. According to him it contains a substantial part that deals with the way keris were understood from a spiritual and magical point of view in Solo a couple of generations past.

Tony Junus himself I also know only by reputation, and that reputation is a good one. He is a serious man who is trying to do his best to support keris culture, under relatively difficult conditions.

The $100 price tag is a bit of a stumbling block, and I will be waiting until I get to Solo in January and have a look at it before I buy, however, on balance it might be a good gamble. A very respected senior member of the international keris community has spoken to me in positive terms of both the book, and its writer.
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