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Old 12th November 2012, 07:47 PM   #20
Norman McCormick
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Originally Posted by longfellow
Norman. You were in on that thread as well. Thus, I would suspect that you have some knowledge on the subject What do you think of the suggestion that the sword might be the Ottoman counterpart of the Pandour, the bashi-bazouks - only the guard has been changed to protect the ..... , would be too far out in left field? Especially considering the markings on the blade.

I guess now I get to go look for some bashi-bazouks weapons. Oh well, what't that they say? No rest for the wick, ah, weary.

Thank you again.
Hi Longfellow,
Much as I'm flattered by your confidence in my knowledge I'm afraid I am unable to give you any more info. Zifir or the ever knowledgeable Jim McDougall amongst others would be the men to answer your questions, hopefully they will come to my rescue. On the other hand your sword is very interesting and I'm glad you posted it here.
My Regards,
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