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Old 10th November 2012, 05:54 PM   #4
Join Date: Dec 2004
Posts: 37

Originally Posted by Jim McDougall
... but I think this is an early example from per WWI, possibly as late as 1920s. Is the string tag note an old one?

Hello Jim,

Thank you for the information and the timeframe. I'm afraid that the best I can guarantee is that the string tag was affixed around the hilt in 1975. He usually made a date notation and a few words when he acquired a piece. The dust and tobacco discoloration vouches for that long, though.

It wouldn't be so hard with a lot of the things he collected if we had lived other than in Santa Barbara. SB was the place where you went to the yearly 'Treasure Sale' put on by the MOA and picked up an 8' tall Tiffany
grandfather clock (which he still has). Many from LA/Hollywood and NY had a 'little place' there and many collections found their way there. This is one reason I truly appreciate the help of the knowledgeable folks, like you, on this forum.
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