Balisong Knife
The Balisong knife also incorrectly called a Butterfly knife is probably the most romantic knife in the world. Balisongs come in many sizes, I have seen them as big as 1 foot blade and 1 foot handle. I have seen a many varieties of blade shapes from single edge straight to wavy Kris blades.
It was made made popular in the 1980s in martial art films but the knife is not new, according to Arnis Presas style & Balisong book by GM Ernesto A. Presas page 175, I quote" the knives ancestry dates back to 800 AD. According to his book the knife got its name from barrio where is was made in barrio in Batangas, Philippines. The names Balisong came fro two words Bali means to break and sung is taken fro m the sungay meaning horn. The most common handle was from animal horns".
According to family lore these knives were made from ball-bearing races using the best steel, and are able to pierce a silver coin. The knife was carried as combination razor to shave and for self-defense, it was carried next to your wallet to if someone tried to rob you, you could get it as you went for your wallet.