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Old 2nd November 2012, 01:34 PM   #7
theswordcollector's Avatar
Join Date: Oct 2012
Location: Berlin
Posts: 48
Smile looks goood to me yes but look out for the modern Repros on Ebay

The English have been making really good fakes since the late 1990's not including all the Victorian decrotive pieces being sold as period, but on the new stuff they alway leave welding burn ditches that they cant grind deep enough to get out. I even had a cabasset helemt x-rayed one time to show the weld to prove it to the English dealer who sold it to me. I see on ebay all the time people buying these repros for big money listed as original selling from England even the U.S. . I think this helmet looks A ok to me no doubts. the leather replacement could have been done better :-)
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