Thread: Barong beauty
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Old 29th October 2012, 10:09 PM   #12
Join Date: Apr 2005
Posts: 3,255

Hello Wouter,

Thanks for posting this barong!

The pommel is really interesting: Is that seperate piece of wood a neatly crafted attempt to fill a natural gap? I have seen smaller repairs to (originally) imperfect bunti wood but never such an extensive one - and still intact!

Seems like the silver(plated?) ferrules were worn through already at a few spots?

Could you please post close-ups of the upper and lower portions of the scabbard (carved side only)?

Wether the blade stayed shiny is probably mainly due to the storage conditions (stable and, especially, dry); also oil/wax or other anti-rust protection added to the blade will have had an influence.

Even if this barung were kept like this without polishing since WW2 or even WW1, it would not be proof that this is the original condition though. I rather doubt that any Tausug would be fond of its current state of preservation and not declare it as "original" for the originating culture...

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