Thread: Nom-noman Keris
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Old 27th October 2012, 06:50 AM   #5
A. G. Maisey
Join Date: May 2006
Posts: 6,965

OK, here's "anything".

It does not look like either of the two Mageti keris that I have seen.

It has some similarities to the work of Djeno Harumbrodjo, but is less refined.

Might be Djeno's work on a bad day. Might be an intended copy in the style of Djeno. Might be by one of Djeno's relatives.

Doesn't look like Madura or East Jawa work, but anything is possible from that direction.

Is not the work of any Solo maker I can recognise.

Cannot be classified as Surakarta because the rondha is totally, totally wrong, the pawakan is too slim and wimpy, the blumbangan does not appear to be boto adeg.
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