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Old 24th October 2012, 07:08 PM   #15
Join Date: Apr 2005
Posts: 3,255

Hello Jacques,

I'm with Jose: blade is Sulu - looks fairly typical to me. Jose, could you please point out what feels Indonesian to you? I'd believe the blade to be from the "Span-Am war" period or even maybe a bit earlier like last quarter of 19th c.

Scabbard as well as hilt are distinctly Sulu and obviously a later restoration/replacement/addition (pre-WW2?). The MOP on the crosspiece, endpiece, and hilt are traditionally fastened with the pegs and most likely genuine (the very uncommon MOP grip would make this sword a status piece less suitable for fighting though).

The other, unusual MOP pieces are not traditionally fastened with pegs and I guess these could be post-WW2 additions to merely up the bling factor. Jacques, can you make out how these are attached?

The usual metal strips connecting the hilt to the asang-asang also appear to missing - maybe these got damaged/lost in a cleaning attempt and the hilt happened to be put on upside down afterwards? Heating the blade will help to get the hilt off; please take a pic of the hilt hole and the blade tang and post it - thanks!

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