Thread: Maranao kris?
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Old 24th October 2012, 08:45 AM   #12
Join Date: Apr 2005
Posts: 3,255

Hello Rick,

It's just the lack of a transitional curve from the leading edge of the Sorsoran area through to the side of the blade that bothers me .
Its aspect is almost planar in nature; something I would not expect to see in a pre-WWII blade .
I do see the flat, rather 2-dimensional design at the base of the blade, especially of the elefant's head and associated features. This is seen in some post-"Span-Am war" kris and obviously related to the decrease in workmanship and/or availability of funds by the buyers during and after that war; while this decrease of quality seems to be gradual, there were still quite a few blades of distinctly higher quality produced until 1930 (and arguably continuing up to today).

If the gangya is seperate in Detlef's kris (seems quite possible), I'd also estimate this blade to be from the 1920-1930 period based on the blade alone. I agree with Detlef that the hilt (design, quality, patina) supports an age before WW2. (It should be noted that some kris were regularly handled and used for fighting up to the late 20th c. though.)

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