Thread: Maranao kris?
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Old 23rd October 2012, 10:23 PM   #10
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Thank you all for your inputs. Agree with you that my dating was a little bit to early. The point Rick stated about the planar leading edge of the sosoran area is a very good one. Let us look what the blade has in summary: a most possible seperate gangya and a well made fret work but with planar leading edge. I have posted in this thread: a kris with a very similar fret work but with rounded edge which was dated from Kai after 1910. So is my uneducated guess that the one in question could be 1920 until 1930.
The very good patina from the handle let guess that this keris was many times handled and I have problems to belive that this would have been feasible by a kris from the time post WWII (again my uneducated guess). The most I have seen here from this time frame seems in my eyes pure dress/show/status kris.

Thank you again for this interesting discussion and I would like when it not ended here since I think we all can learn by this.

Best regards,

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