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Old 16th October 2012, 10:15 PM   #12
David R
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Hi everyone and again thanks for all the advice. The break in the gandar I intend to repair by putting in a new piece of wood, cutting away the broken edge to give me a clean join. I am considering making a complete new toe to the gandar, a buntut? in horn or ebony.
The urikan has been glued in place by a previous owner, so next job is to deal with that, and then I can clean the blade properly and turn the hilt to it's proper position.
I am toying with the idea of a pendok, but not too sure....I do wonder, even suspect it might have had one before that has been nicked. The only piece I really want to replace is the mendak, the one it has now looks to be a sad piece of stamped or spun brass, possibly not even a mendak originaly.
And that will be it, apart from getting the blade decently cleaned and stained. Oh, and oiling and polishing the wood. I use a mix of 2 parts real turpentine (artists quality) to 1 part artists quality linseed oil, the traditional English gunstock finish.
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