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Old 15th October 2012, 03:21 PM   #2
Keris forum moderator
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Well David, that's a bit of a project for you, isn't it. The dress here is pretty low rent and in pretty bad condition. I do kind of like the blade though. There are numerous threads in our archives on etching and staining these blades and this one seems a candidate for both. If nothing else you will want to get that rust under control.
As for the dress, i wouldn't know how to repair the stem of this sheath other than replace it completely. If the keris looks decent after cleaning and staining i might consider having a whole new sheath made. Otherwise, i don't know what your skill set is, but making a new gandar (stem) for the sheath would probably be the easiest part of it to re-do. If the blade fits well in the wrongko (top sheath) this might be a good option. The hilt isn't a very good example of the planar hilt, but it's not too difficult to find a better example on eBay for a reasonable amount of money.
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