My humble appologies, Prasana

As already edited in my previous post, the correct spell in Partasana and not Partisana.
This word derives from Italian Partigiana folowed by Castillian Partesana.
And talking about correcteness, i would add that it is Lança and not Lansa. The 'ç' having an intense accentuation; it sounds like in 'ta
ssle' and not like in 'ea
Concerning the Kasthane sword's facet, it is indeed possible to see out there diverse opinions; the extreme one pretending that this sword was put up due to European presence in Ceilão.
I still prefer the school that sees in the blade ricasso and in the 'false' lower quillons a Portuguese influence in the
already existant type of sword; the same school that states that, at first, the Kastane was an actual combat weapon.
But then i must also convey that this source (after a phone call just made) does not face the probability of the term Kastane coming from the portuguese castão; instead more prepaired to consider the term's ethimology originating in the word Katana/Katane, as both swords have a sligtly curved single edgded blade.
It is also admitable that the Kastane began loosing its martial utility by the turning of the XVII-XVIII centuries, their purpose becoming a decorated court sword, reaching its 'jewel' status by the XIX-XX century.
Attached i post a picture of a Kastane of such late period, a piece of extreme luxury, worthy of a Muhandiram.
Its grip, guard and scabbard are in chiseled and sculpted silver. Partially inset with gold chiseled plates.The lion's tongue, mane and eyes are in gold ... these with rubies. In the center of the guard a gold makara.
The blade has two punctions (marks).
This sword was in auction in Lisbon by 1989 and its estimate sale price was 1 500 000 escudos ... which would correspond to nowadays 15 000 US Dollars. I ignore the price it reached.
The other picture shows a more plain example, also auctioned in the same day; this one dated XVI-XVII century, with a combat blade.