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Old 13th October 2012, 06:26 AM   #95
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One of my favorite images titled "1873: The attendants of the Sumptha Raja, Agra Durbar". A rare photo of Indian armor, weapons and the men who used them. Char-aina (chest armor) with what looks like some sort of shoulder coverings, possibly armored, which I have not seen any were else, kulah khud (helmet), bazu band (arm guards) and various swords, altogether a bunch of guys you would not want to mess with.

A durbar was a great ceremonial gathering during the period of the British Raj. Here is a quote about the Agra Durbar from a book written in 1901, "The Agra Durbar was perhaps the most splendid and extraordinary to European eyes of the whole series, for there were seen the most powerful princes of native India in all their semi-barbaric magnificence."
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