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Old 7th October 2012, 05:11 PM   #26
Jim McDougall
Arms Historian
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Prasanna, thank you so very much for your thoughtful, informative and wonderfully written reply. Also, thank you for sharing your absolutely superb artwork!!! That is a remarkable painting, and perfectly illustrates the prototype swords from which the kastane must have developed. There are of course it seems resemblances to the ancient forms in use on the subcontinent, and it is most important to see the use of zoomorphic figures on the quillon ends.

I want to thank you as well for your graceful response regarding the material which Ibrahiim added which was largely from some online detail as he had noted. I think that often revisionist or reassessments of historical and traditionally held topics are often politically charged, and may often be perceived differently by individuals depending on thier relationships to matters at hand. In this case, much of the material was presented to look into various angles in the decorative theme of the kastane beyond the commonly held general views typically recounted in most general references.
I do not believe any prejudicial stances were meant, but very much agree with your suggestion in not pursuing politically sensitive aspects in this course, but remaining objective in examining facts at hand. I think these fascinating swords deserve to be studied much more thoroughly, and clearly you have a well studied comprehension of them, as reflected in your comments and obviously in the artwork you have well researched.

I do hope we can continue this look into the development of the kastane as intended, as I am delighted to finally pass the 'mystery' barrier altogether too often experienced in so many ethnographic weapon forms.

All very best regards,
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