Thread: Keris Sepang
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Old 6th October 2012, 11:14 PM   #7
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hmmm...i was hoping to raise more interest in this thread because i would really like to hear more opinions on the keris sepang form. Anyone have any examples they might like to post?
In the interest of re-sparking the conversation here are some shot of this one i just received. I spruced it up as best i could, but it seems obvious that it will need the full treatment to eliminate remaining rust.
I think it is clear in these photos that this is the original gonjo. The iron and pamor are identical. I am also intrigued by a line of brighter high contrast pamor that appears along the edge when the blade is held at an angle. It isn't easy to photograph, but i think you will be able to see what i mean in at least one of these photos.
So, any thoughts on the sepang dhapur in general or this keris in particular?
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