Thread: Keris Sepang
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Old 1st October 2012, 02:30 PM   #6
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Thanks for the link Detlef. I also have another, much nicer keris sepang in my collection. Again, there is no doubt in my mind that this blade is mediocre at best in terms of quality, but it was not really my intention with this thread to gather comments on that. I do still think the blade is also well worth the price simply due to it's rarity. We just don't see that many old sepangs. What i was really hoping this thread would become is a discussion on the sepang form in general. I would love to hear people's impressions on this dhapur, including what folks think about it's possible "purpose". I read somewhere that it is considered a good dhapur for securing a good marriage. If that is true you would think that we would see it more often...
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