Thread: Keris for ID
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Old 14th September 2012, 12:23 AM   #18
Join Date: Apr 2005
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Of course, here's the example which I felt looks similar to the in the original post.

I have posted the link to the site this is shown on in one of my earlier posts above.
Thanks, I overlooked that post (moderation, I guess); good to have pics uploaded though for later reference since links will go dead sooner or later.

Even if the suggested dating of this second keris could be substantiated, I don't think them to be similar enough to base a dating for the first keris on. BTW, while I don't neccessarily disagree with the dating in the given example, I would very much caution against taking estimated age of keris on most, if not just about all, websites/books for granted.

I'm with Gustav - it doesn't really matter wether this keris blade is antique or vintage (or wether the fittings may be a bit later since these get replaced fairly regularly while a keris is being worn in a tropical climate).

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