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Old 28th August 2012, 12:30 AM   #9
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Are we here looking for how its pronounced by accents?

In classical Arabic, Khanjar is pronounce as Khanjar and Khenjar. Like AJ, I used to think its a Persian word that has been adopted by Arabic, but according to Lisan al Arab, it is Arabic. The R at the end is not a silent letter, every single voice is pronounced. When it comes to accents, I dont know how Omani's say it but Yemeni's and some Saudi's call it Khengar.

As for Jambiya, it is pronounced Janbiya or Ganbiya (atleast thats how I heard some Yemeni's pronounce it). Jambiya is a false term but hey, its not the only false term we collectors use.
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